Thursday, 1 October 2015

ASCII Values

This program finds the ASCII value of any character or number. It takes a input from the user and prints the ASCII value of that character.

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Length Converter In C

This is a simple length converter written in C language.
It takes Input of length in Km. And prints result in meters, foot and centimeters.

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                                 If you have any problem feel free to comment.
 And  If you want any program to be made by us give a comment and we will publish it.

Armstong Number In C

This Program takes a number as input from the userand checks if the given number is armstrong or not.

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                       If you have any problem feel free to comment.
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Leap Year In C

This is a simple program written in C . It takes a year as input from the user and then checks if the given year is Leap year or not.

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                         If you have any problem feel free to comment.
If you want any program to be made by us give a comment and we will publish it.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Factorial In C by For Loop.

This is a program of finding Factorial of a number. This program takes a integer number as input and prints the Factorial of that number. It uses for loop to find the factorial.

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                         If you have any problem feel free to comment.
If you want any program to be made by us give a comment and we will publish it.